What a year so far!
Thank you for spreading the word. Class numbers continue to grow steadily and I appreciate your support and commitment to classed and courses
The Ashtanga Yoga and Pranayama Intensive was oversubscribed! some photos by Magnus Naddermier below. Kia returns to run another one 30 October – 1 November. Please check website for details.
Sunday workshops have proved popular. They offer a deepening of the practice and I am still surprised and delighted by the exchanges they bring.
Evening yoga classes have an established core of regulars who are developing a strong practice.
Numbers for Breathing Bones need building now the class has moved to Wednesday night.
I’m off to Crete for the summer and this year I will be joined by 17 practitioners. I hope Yoga Plus is ready for the onslaught of enthusiasm and joy we will be sharing!ce
I will return to rehearsals with Alan Greig Dance Theatre and look forward to performing at the Edinburgh Mela at the end of the festival – see you there!