Rosina Bonsu (1955-2020)

The studio was set up in 2009 by the wonderful Rosina Bonsu: she taught us, guided us, and supported us and we would not be here doing what we love without her. We are leaving this page on the website because she is very much still with us, and all her students. 

Here, we collect a tribute to our beloved Rosina, our teacher. 

We found this wonderful article from 2009, when she began to teach yoga at the Arlington.

This is Mary Brennan’s wonderful obituary, showing Rosina’s extraordinary life and how much she gave to everyone who who crossed her path.

With Kia, we gathered for the weekend of 13-15 March to celebrate Rosina with yoga, community, food and some laughter and stories.

Here is a wonderful guide to Glasgow she wrote for Kia at Mysore Yoga Paris.

And here is her sangha, her community, which she was so proud of:

Kia Naddermier yoga weekend, Rosina Bonsu Moves, Glasgow November 2016.

And, of course, here are her legendary Cretan Soirées in Keramés:


These are her own words, which she wrote for her profile:

My aim is to provide a broad based expertise, communicating a love for bodies, an awareness of the benefits of movement and an understanding of its place in physical health and emotional wellbeing.

My focus is on providing opportunities that allow others access to dance, yoga, exercise and movement at many levels.

“Rosina Bonsu is an uncompromising woman, talented, sparky and with enough energy to beat the system.” Alice Bain, The Sunday Times, Scotland

Teaching at West College Scotland (formerly Reid Kerr College), Paisley on the dance and choreography courses. I delight in the challenge of working with and supporting young people who are facing an exciting future in dance. Movement and dance classes at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland for the Vocal Performance Courses.

Feedback and comments on Rosina’s classes, workshops and performance work:

“The first thing which impressed me about Rosina was her gentle caring manner in doing yoga. She was solicitous of my frozen hip being injured with pillows and foam blocks. Her manner of teaching is gentle yet firm and she tries to encourage us to better ourselves. In her presentations in class it is evident she has been a dancer or therapist and definitely knows muscles, anatomy and how to do things safely and well. She has my unconditional support in her efforts to assist us all our health pursuits.”

“I greatly appreciate being with people who good at what they do and it was very obvious that we were in such expert hands all weekend.”

“Rosina, had to say this – you are a proper inspiration!”

“Your classes are always pure joy.” “You are also deeply in my memory as a great teacher :)”

“Thanks for the brilliant class yesterday! I was absolutely exhausted (in a good way) by the end of it.”

“Your class is really helping me”

“Thank you for last night’s class. I have been awake since 1.00am with my back. Not in pain for once but feeling energised and free. Ok so it’s still needing some ongoing repair but I am believing one day I could make it along to your contemporary class.”

“The class was just what I needed. Gentle movements, just pushing the boundaries a little to awake dormant territories.”

“So I can’t wait for next week’s class. Will try and fit in doing some moves at home too.” “I want to tell you how much your classes are helping me.”

And on Breathing Bones, which she created and we continue to teach:

“Breathing Bones leaves me in a blissful state – it is like a meditation with stretching. Rosina’s voice guides gently into a state of relaxation I have never experienced before. I have used the breath in yoga but never reached as deep with it as I have in Breathing Bones.”

“Breathing Bones works on all aspects of the body and mind. It’s a series of gentle stretches that works on lengthening the fascial tissue releasing muscular shortness and tightness. These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout your body. If you have lost flexibility or function following an injury or experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip or pain in any area of soft tissue this is a great class. It involves a series of passive stretches that really helps you to focus on parts of the body that are sometimes forgotten. The class is relaxing and counter-intuitive as the gentle folding really helps to stretch the and lengthen the body. You are in incredibly safe hands with Rosina who has a wealth of experience about the body as she is a dancer/choreographer and yoga teacher. The class is really relaxing mediative and enjoyable and is suitable for those wishing to repair an old or existing injury or those involved in more strenuous sports who wish to retain equilibrium and posture throughout the body. I always recommend her class to my massage clients as a way to proactively help themselves and understand how their body works.”