Rosina’s Obituary

In the Evening Times, written by her husband Mark:

BONSU – Rosina Osei. Born in Ghana, raised in Italy and England, who resided, created and taught dance, movement and yoga in Glasgow and beyond. Rosina died peacefully at the Beatson on Sunday morning 2nd February, 2020. With the professional and friendly care of the Beatson staff and surrounded by her family and friends, she orchestrated the last two days of her exceptionally creative life with her usual stoicism and inimitable spirit of loquacious, gregarious generosity. Rosina was the embodiment of loving friendship and wisdom to all who had the privilege to meet and engage with her. Her family whom she loved dearly and her extensive world-wide circle of friends will sorely miss her, as will I. A private family woodland burial will take place at Killearn Woodland Cemetery on Monday 1pm, 17th February.

Also, by Mary Brennan, in the Herald.