A Message from Rosina’s Family and Friends
Dear Friend of Rosina,
Today, 5th April 2020, we would all have gathered for Rosina’s Celebration at Cottiers in Glasgow; it was not to be; but we still want this to be a special day for Rosina’s memory.
So that everyone, no matter where you are in the world, can celebrate Rosina’s life at 5.00pm on Sunday 5th April 2020, a Vimeo Film has been created and is, as close as possible, to what we had originally planned for today’s dedication.
As a powerful collective act of remembrance, we ask that we all wait until 5pm (UK time) before you play the Vimeo film. https://vimeo.com/404179281 and afterwards [if you are able] please plant a flower in memory of Rosina – or indeed tomorrow – April 6th on her birthday.
Rosina Remembered website: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/RosinaRemembered/ has been collated by friends and family and we invite you to take a look as more photos and dedications to Rosina have been posted there.
Should you want to add your own dedication – photos, songs, poems, etc., these will be incorporated into the website. Please send to both rosinaremembered@gmail.com and info@stillmotion.co.uk
We very much look forward to the Gathering in 2021!
Thanking you all and much love from
Rosina’s Family and Friends