Yin is a slower yoga practice. Quietly intense, simple postures held for several minutes to develop flexibility and resilience. With a little bit of creative time-tabling, we’re thrilled now to be able to have Catherine’s Yin Yoga class every two weeks on Thursdays at 5pm. Join Live or Online
Yoga Building Blocks
A wonderful complement to your Yin Yoga class, stay on for Yoga Building Blocks, Catherine’s second class on Thursday evenings, at 6.30pm.
These weekly classes can provide a bridge from the slower Yin Yoga to the more dynamic Ashtanga Yoga practice or be taken to complement a richer practice palette.
Laura’s with us from the 18th – 21st October ❤️
This month Kat will be away for a few days – very excited to visit her son in Toronto and see him dance in Cinderella.
As lots of you know already Laura is a gifted mysore teacher, so we’re over the moon that she’ll be able to cover Kat’s classes that week: for Breathing Bones on Wednesday and Mysore classes on Thursday and Saturday morning.
Breathing Bones on 18th October – 5pm
Ashtanga – Mysore / self practice 19th October – 7.15am
Ashtanga – Mysore / self practice 21st October – 9am