Here I am thinking I am late with the June update – I am but I missed May completely, yikes.
Just returned from a glorious trip to the states visiting family in Washington DC and friends in New York. Also squeezed in a few yoga classes and grabbed a few gems from David Ingalls at Buddha b Yoga. Thank you.
Blissful Crete is fast approaching.
All classes for the next session will be an hour and a quarter in length giving us time to draw breath as well as get all the lovely, challenging body moves, asanas and relaxation in.
Govan and Craighton Integration Network’s Day at the Pearce Institute, during Refugee Week was a rip roaring success. Diving For Pearl’s was performed in the evening and was well received by the audience. Congratulations to the dancers and special thanks to Isabel for all her hard work and support.
In attempting to work with Louise Marshall and her fabulous team of dance artists at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness I applied but did not get a site-specific residency. I might be more successful with an open commission submission – can’t say I’m not a ‘tryer’. Fingers crossed please!
Disappointingly there were not enough people to run Kia Naddermier’s Pranayama and Yoga Intensive. Unsurprisingly in her generosity Kia is willing try again and so am – next spring might be a better time. I will again by looking for your support.