What a pleasure it has been to welcome familiar and new faces (and bodies!) for the start of the 2014 programme. Please encourage friends and family to try the starter pack – Introduction to Yoga starting 17 February for 5 weeks. This is a short course for anyone who would like a taster whether new, lapsed or just curious.
I spent Christmas and New Year with family as we all gathered together in Ghana. I made the most of the heat and practiced fairly regularly. Then I had a few days in London walking the Thames from Wapping to Embankment and Charing Cross, visiting friends and galleries – fabulous and inspiring.
The course with Kia Naddermier in Stockholm at the end of January was again uplifting, full of knowledge and insights. I have booked for her course in the Sierra Nevada, Spain in July. I hope to bring her to Glasgow so you can experience her amazing wealth of information, warmth and generosity for yourself.
I am delighted to be working with Adura Onashie as she prepares for an international tour of her acclaimed piece HeLa.
Thoroughly enjoying the students at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and West College Scotland, who give 100% and are the voices and dancers of the future.
I have been awarded an Artists Bursary to support the ongoing development of my work. “The Bursary panel members welcomed the clarity of purpose and rigour that was evident in your proposal and were struck by the quality and strength of your work to date.” I am going to undertake a period of choreographic study with JoAnna Mendl Shaw a New York based artist who is mounting a piece in Sweden with horses, dancers and 4 autistic men. www.dancingwithhorses.org