April 2016 update

Classes are a joy. It has been a session of many new faces as practitioners recommend friends and colleagues, thank you. It is also lovely to welcome returning practitioners some from the very first days of the programme – bringing a smile to my face.

The Sunday workshop was again busy with the sound of pennies dropping as connections were made between new information and remembered knowledge. Always a great mix of experience and level willing to question and share.

The Breathing Bones class on Tuesday morning 08.15 – 09.30 has joined the established Yoga classes giving a morning class Monday through to Thursday.

Yoga Plus, Crete is offering practitioners a 15% discount this year across the programme. I am teaching during session 5 and 8, July 9 – 22 and August 19 – 2 September. This discount applies whenever you go but of course I look forward to seeing you there!

Please let them let me know and I can add you to an email list of people already booked, so you can share travel arrangements and car hire info etc.

I attended Kia Naddermier’s Mysore Practice and Pranayama programme in Stockholm 4th – 8th May. Amazing.

The dates for the autumn Ashtanga Yoga and Pranayama Intensive have changed and are now 11 – 13 November. Please book early!

20 June I will be choreographing a short piece for the Cottier Dance Project programme, part of the West End Festival, at Cottier Theatre, Watch This Space, with music composed by Jack Law.

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