It doesn’t seem long ago that I was looking forward to welcoming you to the autumn session of classes and we are now going into the winter.
I have had an immersion in dance and Yoga over the last month – full of inspiration, learning, laughter and sheer hard work.
The process started with the fabulous John Scott who set me off on my Yoga life in 1994! I had four glorious morning practices followed by the workshop from 12.00 – 18.00 for three days. Yes that is not an error! I continue to be amazed by his generosity, passion, knowledge and engaging humour.
Then the extraordinary Royston Maldoom was in town to talk about his autobiography and to run a workshop day. Luckily he read to us in English though the book is in German. I remain puzzled that we do not celebrate home grown luminaries. How can it be that he cannot find a publisher in Britain? This is truly a disgrace.
The unique Durga Devi brought us another memorable experience of Pranayama. I was so engrossed that I ran over by half an hour in my confusion. We look forward to welcoming her back soon and adding meditation to the palate of goodies on offer.
I am now recovering from the Godfrey Devereaux workshop. I had not done moon salutations before and we spent the entire weekend embedding them into the body. Godfri has a rigorous approach along with a very specific use of language that I enjoyed. The rest is still being assimilated.
In between I have been getting my flat in order. The spare room is done and the bathroom is in progress, hopefully finished next week with the bath looking equally gorgeous in the bathroom as it has in the hall for the last 5 months!
Planning to go to London for Christmas and stay with my nephew Kofi his partner Julie and my soon to be three year old great niece. Also his siblings and dad will be coming over from Washington DC and Ghana respectively, so a family treat of time – hurrah.
For next year I have lined up a diary of delights David Dodd: philosophy and anatomy, Durga Devi: pranayama and meditation, Kia Naddermier Mysore Yoga Paris and of course myself!